Article: Aortic valve repair for tri-leaflet aortic insufficiency

Aortic valve repair for tri-leaflet aortic insufficiency associated with asymmetric aortic root aneurysms Article from Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery (Submitted Jan 26, 2019. Accepted for publication Apr 24, 2019.) Stavridis GT, Downey RS, Gerdisch MW, Hughes GC, Jasinski MJ, Rankin JS, Mazzitelli D, Aicher D, Fischlein T, Choi YH, Weber A, Friedrich I, Glauber M, Pfeiffer S, Miceli A, Si MS, Klokocovnik T, Wei LM, Deja MA, Badhwar V. Aortic valve repair for tri-leaflet aortic [...]

2019-06-11T06:07:14-05:00June 6th, 2019|Resource|

HAART Video Catalog

BioStable's video catalog is a listing of videos that demonstrates aortic valve repair utilizing the HAART Aortic Annuloplasty devices. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel in order to be notified when new videos are added.

2019-03-15T19:25:14-05:00March 9th, 2019|Resource|

Resource: Aortic Valve Repair

Resource articles and videos on Aortic Valve Repair by Dr. Joseph Turek, Dr. Scott Rankin, Dr. Lawrence Wei and Dr. Vinay Badhwar. These articles and videos discuss the advantages and newest innovations in aortic valve repair surgery for patients with aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation.

2019-06-11T06:29:40-05:00December 1st, 2018|Resource|
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